autocratic power 意味

  • 独裁的権力{どくさいてき けんりょく}


  1. at that time , yoshimitsu wanted to make the shogunate an autocratic power , and thus he aimed to weaken major shugo clans , whom he had trouble to control .
  2. the new government aimed at establishing a firm control over the territorial lord ' s daimyo and the japanese people by organizing dajokan for ruling over the entire state power , while securing separation of power inside the government to prevent an emergence of any autocratic power .


        autocratic:    {形} : 独裁的{どくさいてき}な、専制{せんせい}の、独裁{どくさい}の、専制的{せんせい てき}な、横暴{おうぼう}な That president's autocratic approach is loathed by his people. あの社長の独裁者的なやり方は、部下たちにひどく嫌われている。 -----------------------------------------
        autocratic boss:    独裁的{どくさいてき}な上司{じょうし}
        autocratic instinct:    独裁的気質{どくさい てき きしつ}
        autocratic leadership:    専制的リーダーシップ
        autocratic manner:    横暴{おうぼう}な態度{たいど}
        autocratic monarchy:    専制君主政体{せんせい くんしゅ せいたい}
        autocratic regime:    独裁政権{どくさい せいけん}
        autocratic rule:    autocratic rule 独裁支配 どくさいしはい
        autocratic ruler:    独裁者{どくさいしゃ}
        autocratic stance:    独裁路線{どくさい ろせん}
        autocratic state:    独裁国家{どくさい こっか}
        easily become autocratic:    権利主義{けんり しゅぎ}に陥りやすい
        in a fairly autocratic way:    かなり横暴{おうぼう}なやり方で
        in power:    政権{せいけん}の座にある
        power:    1power n. (1) 力; 才能, 能力; 権力, 権限; 強固; 国, 強国; 電力. 【動詞+】 She abused the power entrusted to her. 委ねられた権力を乱用した achieve great political power 強大な政治権力を手に入れる He acquired the power of readi


  1. "autocratic instinct" 意味
  2. "autocratic leadership" 意味
  3. "autocratic management" 意味
  4. "autocratic manner" 意味
  5. "autocratic monarchy" 意味
  6. "autocratic power(s" 意味
  7. "autocratic regime" 意味
  8. "autocratic rule" 意味
  9. "autocratic ruler" 意味
  10. "autocratic manner" 意味
  11. "autocratic monarchy" 意味
  12. "autocratic power(s" 意味
  13. "autocratic regime" 意味

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